For our latest report ‘Safe Under Us’? The continuing shrinking of London’s local countryside - see News

Protecting the countryside from urban sprawl for two-thirds of a century
Green, biodiverse and vital to our health and environment, now and in the future

Protecting the countryside from urban sprawl for two-thirds of a century
Green, biodiverse and vital to our health and environment, now and in the future

Our Mission

The London Green Belt Council (LGBC) brings together members of the public and over 100 organisations. including councils and environmental groups who share a concern for protecting the Metropolitan Green Belt.

We work with politicians, experts and decision-makers, including the All-Party Parliamentary Group for London’s Green Belt, to publicise its value and threats to it, and to analyse and seek solutions to pressures to develop it. Find out more about us.

The countryside of London and the South East is under greater threat than at any time since the Green Belt was established. If you live in it, or value it for your leisure, health and wellbeing, we can help you defend it. Read our blog about the threats and success stories and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

We have compelling evidence that developing Green Belt land will be hugely detrimental to London, the South East of England and the nation as a whole. Reports, maps and publications on its history, benefits, current planning law and other relevant topics can be found here

Read our message to Government.

Filmed in a series of lovely Green Belt locations, listen to our Chair, Richard Knox-Johnston, on the urgency of protecting the Green Belt
Richard introduces himself and the Green Belt
Mental health
Stopping urban sprawl
Food security
Leisure and recreation
The fallacy that housing in the Green Belt is affordable

Acknowledgement to our member Enfield RoadWatch Action Group for the 'I'm Not Just a Pretty Place' concept and messages.

Want To Know More?

We welcome the support of all who share our love of London’s Green Belt, whether you are a concerned individual, amenity group or local authority.

More Information Here

Map of London's Green Belt including sites threatened with development
click image for full interactive map

Follow Us On Twitter For Frequent Updates On Saving the Green Belt
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Map of London's Green Belt including sites threatened with development
click image for full interactive map

Follow Us On Twitter For Frequent Updates On Saving the Green Belt
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Become a Member

The LGBC is an independent, voluntary umbrella organisation for groups and individuals passionate about preserving and protecting London’s Green Belt.

Membership of the LGBC starts at just £25 per annum for organisations and just £10 per annum for individual supporters.

Join Us

Make a Donation

We also appreciate any donation you can make to further our work.


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